Porthcawl - Balanced Boulder Area

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A jumble of blocks and zawns, give lots of scope for the exploratory boulderer. The problems described are the most obvious lines, but there is potential for more, particularly on the left hand wall.

Balanced boulder area.jpg


  1. Balance V1/Font 5c Start underneath the boulder on a slopey rail, then climb out and up the steep face of the boulder using a good sharp sidepull. Move to the arête to top out unless you are very brave. Probably best not to fall off.
  2. V1/Font 5c Start sitting under the steep side of the leaning boulder, pull up using two sidepulls, and top out without banging your head.
  3. V1/Font 5c Start sitting on the obvious diagonal slanting crackline, and follow this past a big sloper, to top out as the previous problem
  4. V0+/Font 5a Start on the same flake as the previous problem, but head straight up using a big lock.
  5. V0+/Font 5a Use a dish for your right hand, and crank straight up, heading slightly leftwards
  6. V0/Font 4+ Use the dish on the previous problem for your left hand, and head up the arête.
  7. V1/Font 5c Start sitting under the prominent nose, pull up and mantle it out. Fun.
  8. V0+/Font 5a Start in the same position as the previous problem but traverse leftwards around the nose, and pull up a groove around the corner.


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